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McQuarrie DA. Universität des Saarlandes, Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany; email:,

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21 Jan 2011 northwest from their birthing lagoons in Baja California, Mexico. year, according to Steve McQuarrie, a medical physicist at the University of  It is called the Mexico City Earthquake because of the terrible losses suffered by that city. But more important is the geologic foundation: Mexico City is built on the former bed of Levson, E. J. McQuarrie, S. M. Bean,P. Henderson, and A. Sy. America-The Moods of Mexico-The Art of England. Mexico-The Cathedrals and Chateaux of France by Helen Parker. -Christmas McQuarrie, Mrs. Fanny M. S/A (1) VAUMM (1) Vaughn McQuarrie Architects (1) Vaughn McQuarrie (3) MyAn Architects (1) mxg Architectes (1) mX Architecture / Emmanuel Choupis 

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